Category Archives: Life

A Warrior For Mother Earth


This is my friend Saaduuts. He is a Haida, originally from Alaska. The canoe he is carving is 32 feet long and 42 inches wide. It’s being carved from a single cedar log that had been in storage for 40 years. The sides need to be steamed again to further widen and straighten them.

This is Saaduuts’ 5th canoe. He is somewhat of a shaman as well as a canoe builder. On the last 4 canoes, he has involved youth groups to complete the work. He sees these as healing projects. Healing between peoples and between people and the earth.

He was waiting for the afternoon group to show up while we talked for awhile about things nautical and spiritual. Before he went back to work, he said goodbye with a Haida blessing and prayer song.

If you want to know more about Saaduuts and his projects, click here:
and here:

  • Learning to build traditional canoes by hand (
  • Dugout canoe being carved as a youth project u...
    Dugout canoe being carved as a youth project under the supervision (and with the participation) of Haida carver Saaduuts. Center for Wooden Boats, Seattle, Washington, USA. Here, Saaduuts shows a boy how to use a hammer and adz. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)